One Thousand and One Angels



Can you feel it?


The stillness and the electricity

Of it all?


It fills me with wonder,

A silent knowledge,

With doubt.


In just one passing moment,

The harsh wind upon my face,      

It transforms


Into the tender kiss of

One thousand and one angels.


I am enveloped in a sweetness

That I cannot escape.


I am drunk

Off of the world’s

Bittersweet nectar.


I want you to feel it,

To know it,

And to remember it–

When the wind feels too harsh

Upon your tired face

And the winter’s bite is

Too bitter. 


Forever and always

You are being kissed

And held

By the gentle embrace of

One thousand and one angels.

Change Begins With You


I was inspired today by the following two quotes from a documentary I saw, called Fuel, which discusses the benefit of the United State’s nation-wide use of a wide-range of renewable energy and bio-fuels:

“People feel that they’re not important, they’ve been made to feel that they don’t count, when in fact– they’re the only thing that counts. The genius of America is not in big corporate power, it’s not in big government, it’s in the people who understand this notion of the common good.”


“I know that change occurs, not just because of some monumental thing, but from an individual saying ‘you know what, I’m gonna make a change’… It’s the power of the individual, to affect their perimeter of friends, and then each of those people have a perimeter of friends, and that’s the way this whole revolution takes place.”

These quotes bring me inspiration not necessarily because they were spoken in the context of a revolution in the United State’s use of energy, but because they sparked a deep realization within me, or perhaps something that I’ve always known, that we’ve all known, but have forgotten over time…

This realization is that we MATTER!

We, as individuals, we matter, and we can affect great change on this earth, it all starts with the first step: the decision to work towards the betterment of ourselves and our world by leading as an example.

We have been convinced by society that we are merely an insignificant cog in larger, more important machine.

Yet, we all seem to have forgotten the unarguable truth that without the cogs, the individual parts of any machine, the machine would not function, or even exist at all.

People believe that even if they care about an issue and wanted to change something in the world, that their individual action is insignificant and will not make any difference; they see themselves as a weak force in a vastly overpowering world.

I’m here to remind you that this belief is false. Think about the many great souls who walked this earth and enacted a change in humanity’s consciousness. Were they much different from you? They ate food, slept, felt lazy sometimes and took craps, just like you. The difference was, that they knew their power, and they knew that It takes one person to begin spreading a message, in order for any change to occur on a large scale.

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